Giovanni Cucchiarato
Group General Counsel
Dedalus Group
Group General Counsel of Dedalus, a leading international industrial Group in healthcare software, representing the highest level of experience and functional completeness in IT systems to support clinical processes (www.dedalus.eu).
Previously partner of an international law firm and experienced corporate and M&A practitioner, with a focus on cross-border transactions involving international clients, mostly based in Germany and other German-speaking countries. Skilled FinTech lawyer with extensive expertise in alternative financing instruments and regulatory aspects concerning, among others, investment crowdfunding and applications of the blockchain technology in the financial markets.
Recognised for 4 consecutive years by Chambers & Partners Global and Europe guides in the categories Corporate/M&A and Foreign Expertise in Germany (“internationally minded practitioner”); as well as by Legal500 in the Commercial, Corporate and M&A practice area ("great experience in cross-border international deals that involve foreign investors in Italy").
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