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Marco Berini

General Manager / AD

finleap connect Italy

finleap connect addresses the fragmented open banking landscape with a “full-stack” platform. It enables partners to access financial transactions, enrich the transactions with data & analytics tools, and ultimately deliver seamless digitized financial services to customers. finleap connect has the unique ability to tap into category leaders founded in the finleap ecosystem, including Solarisbank, ELEMENT and Elinvar, driving additional value to partners.
The company is a regulated payment institution under the Payment Services Supervision Act (Zahlungsdiensteaufsichtsgesetz – ZAG) with offices in Berlin, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Milan, Madrid and Paris. As a business unit of finleap, finleap connect is part of the leading European fintech ecosystem, a group with 1,300 employees from more than 80 countries.

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