Massimo Chiriatti
CTO Blockchain & Digital Currencies - University Programs Leader
Technical Sales Manager with an extensive background in blockchain and digital economy, with a passion for solving complex IT challenges combined with exceptional communication skills at executive levels.
An eager follower of the fast moving data technologies landscape, I provide thought leadership while operating with a high degree of autonomy and visibility to build solutions that will help enterprises enhance their business, according to their specific requirements. I am keen to leverage my skills to provide strategic direction, also to large universities.
Co-writer of Manifesto #BlockchainItalia and member of the commission of high experts appointed by the Italian government to develop the national strategy on technologies based on shared registers and blockchain.
Author of the book "#Humanless - L'algoritmo egoista", Hoepli.
Author of "GPT-3: Its Nature, Scope, Limits, and Consequences" in Springer. Read here: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11023-020-09548-1
I have published articles in several newspapers and write on Il Sole 24 Ore-Nòva100.
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